Thursday, January 6, 2011

"You know what I love about you..?"

: you’re deep.


I always thought my overly-complex nature was a bad thing until a close friend embraced it. I suppose the more layers a person has, the more interesting they are to the outside world.

I really wish I could travel back in time and tell drineee circa 2006 to not delete her Xanga. Deleting the xanga does not delete the memories, they’ll still be there whether you want them to be or not.

I never realized how many people kept up with my blogs over the years until late last year. I’m saying last year as if it were a few months back.. We’re not even a week in to 2011, heh.


All of the worlds’ greatest artist were fucked up mentally. They had more issues than the average person and they used their music, words, art, etcetera as their emotional outlet. I can totally cosign the movement because back in the day.. my writing kept me sane. My words were the key to my sanity.. and they helped me through one of the hardest times of my life.

What I didn’t realize was that my words were not only helping me, but they were helping others as well. The more shit I went through, the more I wrote.. and the more I wrote, the more faithful readers I gained. They say history has a way of repeating itself, and sometimes it happened simultaneously throughout the world. What I was going through, someone else was too.. and just having the comfort of not being alone from the confirmation of posts sometimes was enough for someone, anyone.

.. Fast forward to 2011 and I find myself blogging less than I ever have. The reason? I’m at a really good place in my life right now. I don’t have any emotional distresses to express to keep my sanity.. I’m happy. So here comes the time in my writing life to become versatile. I’ve found inspiration in little things here and there and am taking a step forward in growth.. if I can be a damn good writer when I’m an emotional wreck, I should be able to be a damn good writer when I’m on top of the world as well. Tis time to perfect my craft. I hear what the people want, and it’s coming, I promise.

1 comment:

  1. Applauds you, for having clarity of self and embracing your gift. One never stops being a writer, but an artist living their craft....later to be written :)

    I too, wrote the most in life during times of turbulence. Now I write out of lesson's learned, putting into the universe all in which I gained, and continue to obtain from it.

    I look forward to your return as you continue to enjoy your happiness.
