Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Vivre L'amour

Pandora’s playing softly in the background, just finished an amazing dinner, my glass of wine is half full, the dude playing 2k11 and talking mess via bluetooth, and the rain drops are tapping lightly against my window.

In an absolutely pleasant mood. Perhaps it’s because one of the things I mentioned, or perhaps it’s because all of the above.

Despite my day starting out a little on the rough side, the ending of the night is ending on a positive note.

The last days of 2010 are upon us and I can honestly say that this year was one to go in the record books. I’ve gone through good, bad, ugly, and absolutely beautiful.. and at the end of it all I can still truly say I am blessed beyond belief.

I know everyone says it, but I feel like 2011 has many great things in store for me and mine.

I’ve learned how to handle life’s trials and tribulations over these past 22 years so whatever happens, whether positive or negative, I’m grateful for.

I’m becoming me circa 2005, but along with being totally optimistic about any and everything, I have life’s lessons to help me along the way just in case I run into any detours or road bumps. I won’t say I’ve got it all figured out but I’m pretty confident, and that puts me ahead of the game.

Finishing this last bit of wine.. and i’m off to relax.

hugs and kisses,


Monday, December 27, 2010

Music Monday

I just recently got put on to Big K.R.I.T. I really like this dude. Got a southern feel but a midwest type flow feel to himself.


It's 12:31 AM and I'm sitting here sulking in the new music I've blessed my hard-drive with. The new Jazmine Sullivan CD is absolutely amazing. Big K.R.I.T Mixtapes are in rotation as well.

When the music hits, you feel no pain.

I made a promise to blog more often. My life is pretty repetitive so it's hard for me to find inspiration, but it does hit me every once in a while.

I appreciate those who have been keeping up with my blogs for years and who send me the occasional message to update my blog more often.

I know people make lists of new years "resolutions" that they follow-through with for a few months, but I promise I'll try to hold up my end of the bargain this upcoming year to blog more often. To find my muses in everyday things and to give the people what they want! LOL

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Finally back from vacation. It's currently 30 degrees in Texas right now.

Merry Christmas by the way. More blogging coming soon. Pinky promise.

Wish I was still seeing this though..

- My vacation was the bomb dot come by the way. Ready for my next.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Love Live Life Proceed Progress . . .

It's 4:30 in the morning and I'm "suppose" to be up in about 2 hours.. The 5 hour energy served its purpose to help me study, however, I didn't know it would also affect my sleep, or lack thereof.

It's that time of the year again. Dead week. Study, study, eat, study, try and sleep, and repeat.

Best of luck to everyone.


The other day I was talking to a friend about the subject of marriage. She's newly divorced and one could say that her opinion on the said subject is a little biased. I think the same goes for many divorcees. They tell you not to do it, enjoy your freedom, and to run like hell if he even bends down on one knee to tie his shoe..

okay I'm kidding,but you get the jest.

The same applies for any situation, not just marriage. If one has a bad experience they tend to steer clear of going down that path again and will surely try to prevent anyone and everyone of going through the motions as well.

Every situation is different. As much as folks hate to admit it, it's the truth. I respect someone 100% if they don't let fear of the past affect their lives. Change is inevitable folks. Now this doesn't apply to those who stay in the same cycle and expect things to change, that's just being naive. The same-shit-different-day cycle? I'll pass.

Life is wayy too short.

Don't wish you could have done things differently, be grateful that it happened. In life, the test always comes first, and the lesson soon after.

Love Live Life Proceed Progress . . .
5 exams in the next 5 days.

My brain hurts.

I see the light at the end of the tunnel though. My vacation can't come soon enough..

found a quote I really like:
“I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” -Mother Teresa